Sunday, February 2, 2014

Two Kinds of Blogs...

It seems like most blogs on the internet can fit into one of two categories: The look-at-all-the-cool-shit-I-do blogs, or the angsty blogs. The former usually makes me think that the author is either living in some surreality where people actually care about the cool shit they did, or is compensating for some unrelated, crippling insecurity. And the latter is just damn annoying to read. I've decided to start a blog, and as I begin writing, I'm trying in earnest to avoid going down either path.

To be honest, I don't do enough cool shit anyway for this to be a look-at-all-the-cool-shit-I-do blog, so my primary concern is that this is headed firmly in the direction of an angst blog. Again, I'm going to try in earnest to avoid that, because, seriously, who wants to read that shit? There are enough soon-to-be-college graduates on the internet with no job prospects and a half-baked dream of being a writer or making a living as a musician for you to read all about that if you want. I'd rather focus on something else here.

True, I haven't really figured out what else there is to focus on, but I'm going to try. I wanted to force myself to write, I wanted to force myself to reflect and become a better person, and I wanted to clean up the google results for my name, so a blog seemed like a good idea. We'll see how long I can stick with it. I also made a tumblr where I'll be posting music that I've been into, so go check that out, too. It's if you're interested.

Here's to another reason to write, and let's hope this doesn't get too angsty.

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